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Adobe to Start Blocking Flash Content from Playing from January 12, 2021

2021年1月12號 by Jacky

Adobe will no longer support Flash Player after December 31, 2020, and Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021; Adobe strongly recommends all users to immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems, the company wrote in the release notes of the final Flash Player release.

標籤 : Adobe, Flash, Microsoft, Chrome

Adobe Flash再曝危險漏洞:官方建議臨時卸載

2015年10月17號 by Jacky

Adobe Flash又爆出了一個危險的漏洞,而該公司剛剛才發布了例行安全更新。編號為CVE-2015-7645的這個漏洞會影響Windows、Mac和Linux平台上的每一個版本,攻擊者可藉此“破壞和控制受影響的系統”Adobe表示暫無立即可用的更新,預計推出時間為下週。在此之前,擔心安全的用戶可考慮在不必要時卸載掉Adobe Flash。

標籤 : Adobe, Flash, 漏洞, 卸載, Windows, Mac, Linux